Se espera que el hombre cristiano de hoy no solo sobreviva, sino que prospere, en un mundo vertiginoso de incertidumbre y estrés. Cuando dedicas tiempo a estudiar la Biblia, necesitas ese esfuerzo para marcar una diferencia real en tu vida. Necesitas sacar fuerza de la Palabra de Dios.

Los 39 libros del Antiguo Testamento son un tesoro escondido de consejos prácticos y fortaleza para los hombres. Al extraer de cada uno de los 39 libros del Antiguo Testamento y traerlos al mundo actual, Fuerzas para Cada Día para el Hombre brinda un impulso muy necesaria para hombres de todas las edades y procedencias.

Las características innovadoras de Fuerzas para Cada Día para el Hombre incluyen:

  • Dos días para cada verso, lo que le da suficiente tiempo para estudiar y aplicar

    • Día uno: verso y pensamientos del autor sobre ese verso

    • Día dos: pasaje de la Biblia para versículo, pasaje relacionado, preguntas para reflexionar y aplicar, y oración

  • Muchos enlaces al Nuevo Testamento para un contexto de “panorama general”

  • Muchas referencias a películas, atletas, canciones populares, noticias recientes e incluso comerciales de televisión, todo diseñado para hacer que la sabiduría antigua sea relevante para el mundo actual

 Obtenga su fuerza diaria de la Palabra de Dios.

Reseñas (en inglés) para Daily Strength for Men

“Chris Bolinger has created an instrument that God will use to change men’s lives! Daily Strength for Men is a practical, powerful tool for leadership and life change. Nothing moves the heart of a man more than a deep dive into God’s Word, and that kind of intentionality is driven home on each and every page of the material. I highly recommend Daily Strength for Men for every man, no matter what his particular season of life.” — Dr. Craig Fry, president of Christian Leadership Concepts

“If our hearts are the heart of the matter to God, men will find Daily Strength for Men to be the spiritual omega-3 they need to heed the admonition in Proverbs 4:23 to ”guard your heart because from it flow the springs of life” (ISV).” — Doug Pollock, speaker and author of God Space

Daily Strength For Men helps the men in your church get spiritually healthy by pointing them to God’s Word every day.” — Charles Arn, president of Church Growth Inc. and author of Side Door

“Chris has a heart for helping men grow deeper in their faith. I know men will benefit from his unique approach to daily devotions.” — David Murrow, president of Church for Men and author of Why Men Hate Going to Church

Daily Strength For Men is a rare gem for the church, as a strong, challenging daily devotional written by a regular guy for regular guys. This resource hits the bulls-eye: meditating on each passage for two days in a row, journeying through the Old Testament, using illustrations that resonate with men, and more. Bolinger’s work will be my church’s go-to devotional book for men for years to come.” — Drew Carroll, Lead Pastor, Cornerstone Church of Aurora (Ohio)

“This is a great way to provide some perspective and turbo charge your day. This will make a definitive positive impact on your life in 2019!” — William Prebel, on Amazon

“I am enjoying the books. [My wife] and I read each day’s quote together.   It is great reflection for us and also a great reminder of the many blessings we have.” — C.V., Florida

“I bought this devotional while I was on vacation in Tennessee. I love the format that it has especially the questions and I am looking forward to the next one by the author hopefully he keeps the same format and it helps the men go deeper into what they just read…Looking forward to more maybe study guides and books and devotionals from Chris.” — Lucky Deese, on Facebook

Daily Strength For Men…has so much more substance than typical devotional books. I like the way he brings in the Old Testament, even the minor prophets. There is so much breadth and depth in his writings.” — K.W., Florida

“Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Got my copy, was excited for the content and approach. Love the cover; far more durable than paper, and more flexible than a hard back. I consider my daily reading akin to taking a vitamin for my [soul]. Well done Chris!” — Rudy Maxa, on Amazon

“Great lite read for those wanting to get more in the Word of God. It has 2 days of devotion focusing on a single topic with the first day focusing on a story or devotion and the second day focusing on the biblical verses. I like it because I will read the two days at the same time and then reread the second day on the following night to really let it sink in. Overall great for those trying to get in the Word but not overly deep for those trying to feel moved.” — A. Bag, on Amazon